Certified Professional Career Coach (CPCC)
What is a CPCC?
Your clients deserve the best – the tools, coaching, strategies, inspiration, and motivation to develop their career paths, seek satisfying employment, determine career focus, target companies and positions, and move forward in their careers. As a Certified Professional Career Coach, you can lead them to career success.
The Certified Professional Career Coach (CPCC) program is a full-spectrum overview of career coaching, career management, and job search techniques. This program includes materials to learn the coaching competencies, apply the coaching competencies, and understand communications. Lessons include working with clients to conduct research, develop résumés, identify goals, values, and occupational interests, and assessments to aid in the ‘gaining awareness’ process.
This program includes written materials and video supplements (lectures, interviews, samples, stories, and challenges), so you can help career seekers define their goals, create direction, and maximize their ability to reach their career goals.
Apply new coaching competencies, goals and value exercises, assessments, and other tools to enhance your coaching services.
The Certified Professional Career Coach (CPCC) program focuses on clients’ career planning and needs. The CPCC program content was developed and is directed by highly sought-after Career Coach, Diane Hudson.
At PARWCC, we believe in creating a lasting impact by focusing on career management, job searching, and career promotions. You, as the career coach, will provide the job search and career management tools to meet your clients’ needs in the modern job market!
Non-Member Cost: $1370
- Successful CPCC Candidates Receive:
32 CEUs
CPCC Gearbox Marketing Tools
Use of CPCC credential after your name to denote the earned certification
A CPCC Certificate for display in your office
Announcement of your earned credential in the PARWCC Spotlight.
The CPCC logo, as shown above, for use in printed material and online.
The CPCC program trains and coaches you by providing the tools and career coaching. We guide you in building a strong career coaching practice.
The CPCC program guides you on how to propel your clients to meet their career objectives and seize new opportunities.
The CPCC program focuses on clients’ career planning and needs targeted to build a successful career coaching practice or workforce coaching program.
The CPCC program is a full-spectrum career coaching program that trains career coaches to work with job seekers to design viable career management plans and navigate the job search process, becoming “job-search-proofed”.
Active PARWCC membership is required to enroll and use all certifications. If you are not a current member, you will be prompted to join at checkout (PARWCC Membership is $175).
- The CPCC program materials include a self-paced comprehensive workbook which is a 600-page training manual filled with practical exercises to properly train you to coach your clients, 6 hours of video training, sample forms and documents, and monthly ‘Coaching Insights’ webinars for continuing education and Q&A opportunities with the Program Director, Diane Hudson.
- Testing includes 4-hours of documented coaching time, the goals forms for you and your coaching client, completion of the mini-business development plan (if self-employed) or the workforce coaching service offering plan (if working for an employer); and essay-style written test.
- Participants can complete the program in 8-12 weeks but have up to a year to complete.
- We consistently update our program to increase your coaching success. The Certified Professional Career Coach (CPCC) program has been recently updated with all NEW videos and an updated manual (including goals from the Great Wall, the 5 P’s from the beach, Chief Motivational Officer from the swimming pool, business development from Shanghai, and more).
- The updated CPCC program also includes live review of social media sites, an interview with a business owner who branded their business using social media platforms, a college student case study, and other activities.
- Invest in the success of your clients and your business by creating a lucrative career coaching program as a credentialed career coach. Make a positive change to your clients’ careers and lives with coaching best practices for the modern era.
- Join over 1,000 leading career coaches from across the globe as a Certified Professional Career Coach. Program participants represent a wide range of industries from résumé writers, HR, workforce development, university counselors, military transition specialists, business professionals, PhDs – all of whom are coaching a diverse population of job seekers.
- Active PARWCC membership is required to enroll and use all certifications. If you are not a current member, you will be prompted to join at checkout. (PARWCC Membership cost $175)
- “Diane’s Whole Person Theory” reinforced my experience, education, and personal beliefs. Diane is a dynamic presenter as demonstrated in the DVD set and from speaking with her in my phone interview. This noble profession of career coaching involves people’s lives, futures, and success, not to mention those of their families. I expected the test to be a challenge and it definitely proved to be. Career professionals like Diane continue to set industry standards and pioneer beyond the frontiers of the known job search realm. In my view, the CPCC program is the national standard for all career coaches.” – J.M., CPCC
- “Thank you so much for a challenging program and exam which has changed my life forever. I walk with my head up high, chin up and a spring in my step because I have been rebranded over the past ten months during the program. This has opened up my world, expanded my thinking, and my husband, friends and family already have noticed and feel a significant difference in me. I am now living a meaningful and productive life! I believe that this Certification gives me the official mandate to start practicing formally and to be considered as a credible coach. It’s been an interesting journey and today marks another important milestone in my life and career. The possibilities are limitless!” – T.C., CPCC
- “I continue to be in awe of the effort you put into the program. I have never seen a training/certification program that is this thorough. The lists, the explanations, the exercises all add up to a rigorous and useful program. Because, even though this program has a crazy amount of materials, all of the materials are useful. I learned so much when I worked through the materials the first time. And now that I’ve completed the exam and worked the materials again, I am reminded of how rich the program is. I am still amazed at the quantity of information available to me in this program.” – B.B., CPCC
“I’ve learned many valuable things throughout this program, one of the first lessons I learned comes from “Diane’s Whole Person Theory.” Through her theories, I have been able to get a much deeper insight into what’s really happening in the lives of my clients. And, this whole program has helped me organize my thoughts and become more disciplined. It’s easy to tell someone what they should do, but doing it yourself presents a whole other challenge. It was good for me to have to actually do the things I tell my clients to do. The CPCC manual also forced me to demonstrate in writing all that I have accomplished in the past year, which allowed me to realize that I have taken for granted the things I do in a typical day. The exercises opened my eyes and allowed me to see my true worth and value. It also made me think about opening my own practice, which was not something I ever thought I was capable of doing.” – L.N., CPCC
- “WOW! I am so impressed with the CPCC program that I want to share my experience with other members of PARWCC. It is packed with well-organized information and full of tools that I now use regularly in my practice…my learning style is seeing, hearing, and doing…this course meets all three of my needs. Additionally it includes extensive questions that encourage my own self-discovery and growth, reinforcing the key concepts I am learning in each section. Through the comprehensive training offered by Diane, I am able to establish boundaries and increase control over my service offerings. Since I left outplacement résumé writing, coaching comprised 20% of my business. Within the past two months, it has more than tripled. Most of my clients now complete some portion of my program. Interview coaching is a big seller. I am confident that my business will continue to progress and I welcome the diversity, challenge, and additional income.” – H.R., CPCC
With more than 1,000 participants involved in or certified via this program across the globe (USA, England, Hong Kong, China, South Africa, Dubai, Kenya, Germany, Italy, South Korea, and others), and from varied career industry practices, career centers, and outplacement centers, this program coaches you before you coach your clients.
Participants of the CPCC program include:
Department of State • Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Employment Readiness Specialists • Camp Pendleton Marine & Family Services (MCCS) (RCS) • The Ladders • Goodwill Industries • Union National Bank • Indiana State University • US Air Force – Airmen & Family Readiness Center, CA • OSAN Airman & Family Readiness Center • Sally White and Associates • MedTech College, IL • Loyola University, MD • Business Partner of Profiles International, Inc. / Cleckley Assessments, LLC • Salvation Army Community Education Center • Montgomery College, MD • Corrego Coaching • Stony Brook University (Alumni Career Center) • Wilson Rose Solutions • North Shore Community College in MA • Student Career Coaching • Creatrix Studios • Center ISD / HS Career Center • University of Great Falls • Resumeworks • Partners for Community Action • Community College of Allegheny County • Carnegie Mellon University (MBA) • Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine • CV World • ADP • VA Administration • Social Security Administration • Marine Corps, Hawaii • Elon University • Southwest Minnesota State University, MN • Cedarville University, WI • AF Europe – Employment Readiness Specialists & TAP counselors • Chandler Hills Partners (Outplacement) • Georgia State University • Texas A&M University • Center for Career Education, Development & Research, Washington, DC • Antonelli College, OH • Texas Health Resources • DeVry University • Savannah State University • Northstar Career Lab • College Planning Specialists of Carolina • Ohlone College • Jewish Family & Children’s Services • Apex Career Services, LLC • TriCities One Stop Career Center • Language Magic Factory • American Public University System • US Marine Corp, Quantico • CT Department of Labor • Kenya (independent consultants and HR professionals from major corporations including International NGOs, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Sanergy Ltd., Total Kenya Ltd., World Vision, Kenya Institute of Education, Shell, German International Cooperation Malawi Health Program, and companies in finance, banking, energy and others)
Why PARWCC? Voices from our Community
The CPRW Certification is the benchmark for being a recognized résumé writer.
Investing in the continuous training and education provided by PARWCC makes me a trusted advisor…My hobby turned into a 5-figure business in one year because I invested in my education and received the career coaching credential from PARWCC.
Debraca R.
PARWCC’s extensive library of resources, networking opportunities, and career services insights have significantly enhanced my ability to deliver exceptional services to my clients…and equipped me to help job seekers achieve their career goals with confidence and expertise.
Dustin B.
I was fortunate to be a part of the 1st cohort of the Certified Student Career Coach (CSCC), and Dr. Saunders’ expertise, homework exercises, and her breadth of resources enhanced my understanding of the material by providing practical hands-on exercises.
Towanda W.
I’ve gotten so much value out of being part of this community! I love the monthly networking calls and webinars included in the membership, and attending the in-person Thrive! conference was truly a highlight of the year for me.
Tali S.