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About Us

About PARWCC Members

Our international membership includes nearly 3,000 members. Comprised of independent business owners and non-profit career centers such as colleges and universities, military bases, workforce development offices, and state Departments of Labor in North America. Their participation in PARWCC demonstrates a shared ongoing commitment to learning, collaboration, and gaining the expertise to best help every client achieve their personal career goals.
About PARWCC Members

The Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Career Coaches

The Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Career Coaches™ was founded in 1990 as the first association for career professionals in the world. The goal then and now is to provide opportunities for career professionals to exchange information, enhance their skills, and demonstrate their commitment to providing high-quality professional services to today’s job seekers.

Those who display the association’s logo affirm their dedication to excellence in meeting client career goals and strictly adhere to our Code of Ethics. Many members choose to seek certification and additional training to further affirm their expertise as career professionals.

Member Benefits

The Monthly PARWCC Spotlight

As a member of PARWCC, you’ll receive our monthly Spotlight publication, packed with ideas, information, and the experiences of other résumé writers and career coaches. Articles on every facet of résumé writing and career coaching, including pricing your services, ideas for getting new clients, profitable new service development, effective writing strategies, and much more.

The Spotlight gives you answers to questions you have and those you haven’t thought of yet! Be inspired by how other résumé writers and coaches have turned obstacles into triumphs; opportunities into realities.

Online Member Directory

The PARWCC web site is the top resource for locating professional résumé writers on Google and other top search engines. Get found online through our directory!

As a member of PARWCC, your company and contact information is available for the convenience of clients searching for a professional career service provider. Only association members can be contacted by prospective clients when they visit our site.

Members-Only Community

We believe in community and collaboration. That’s why we offer members-only forums, blog articles and content library, as well as a members-only LinkedIn Group for connection and learning from the best in the industry. It has been described as the “best resource for operating a career business available”.

PARWCC’s community of peers is definitely an important asset for your business. These innovative member benefits serve as “round-robin” forums where participating members can easily communicate and discuss writing techniques, business operations, pricing strategies, sales/marketing ideas, client relations, and other issues related to the career consulting industry.

Come join in the conversations!

Certificates and Branding

Set yourself apart from other professional résumé writers and career coaches. As a member, you receive a personalized electronic membership certificate stating that your company is a member in good standing of your industry’s professional association. Your membership in PARW/CC demonstrates your dedication to your clients, business, and industry.

As you earn the association’s certification credentials, you also receive a certificate for display in your office, and a corresponding logo that can be added to your marketing materials.

Ready to join today?

Be a part of a growing community of career services professionals.