Big news! LinkedIn staff are exclusively presenting a series of THREE webinars in January. These will only be offered in live format and focus on students in week 1, mid-career professionals in week 2, and senior leaders for week 3. This is free with your PARWCC membership so sign up now!
The holidays are a fantastic time to network – use the tactics in the blog below to assess your current network, identify gaps, and diversify your connections. Take advantage of the psychological benefits of a strong network as you go into the new year.
Join us tonight for our second Master Series course. Learn to produce effective executive-level résumés in a 3-week LIVE virtual training.
The Elite Circle Résumé Contest is open for entries. Take a peek at the overall winning résumé below and then send your own in to earn big prizes at Thrive! 2025. There’s no cost for members, and you’ll get recognized as an industry-leader in PARWCC publications.